New Leads in Missing Man Case Means New Hope for Family of Branson Perry
New Leads in Missing Man Case Means New Hope for Family
( Air Date: 11/10/2006 )
Thousands of dollars are offered online to help find a missing midland empire man. The Skidmore man is now one of many on a web site that`s handing over more than $2 million dollars to help locate missing people nationwide. New leads in his disappearance are giving his mother hope.
His mother Rebecca Klino said, "You think about it every second of every day. You don`t know when it`s going to hit you. Something you see something you hear it all comes flooding back." Two thousand thirty nine days and 10 hours that`s how long it`s been since Rebecca last saw her son Branson Perry. His picture hangs prominently in her home next to an angel for the missing.
Branson left his home in Skidmore to put jumper cables in a shed. He never returned.
Jack Wayne Rogers, who sits behind bars for child porn and an illegal gender reassignment surgery in a hotel room, was the primary suspect but now officials turn their focus back to the Midland Empire. Klino said, "He never hitchhiked and that`s the only way he could have come in contact with Rogers. I still just did not feel that`s what happened."
Rebecca is pleading with the public to come forward she`s getting an aged progressed picture to put back up on billboards. Klino said, "A girl came up to me about a year after Branson`s disappearance who said `I wanted to go to the police` but she was afraid. I was thinking you know you have no idea what fear is. Maybe if she sees or if people see we`re still looking for him maybe they won`t be afraid to say something." The family is offering a $5,000 reward but would like to make it bigger but can`t afford it. Klino said, "Unfortunately money makes people talk."
That`s the idea behind this web site where a Pennsylvania humanitarian is offering 2 million dollars for tips for the missing. A $100,000 reward for 20 people in 20 days from November 5th through the 24th. Branson was just added this week.
Klino said, "He was a great person he`d do anything for anyone at the drop of a dime." Now Rebecca hopes someone will do the same for her family. She says someone in Skidmore knows something.
Anyone with information is urged to call the Nodoway Sheriff`s Department at (660) 582-7451 or Missouri Highway Patrolman Sergeant David Merrill at (660) 387-2345.
Here are some web sites dedicated to Branson.
The 2 Million Dollar Web site: - click on Missing link and then Missouri
Other Branson Web sites:
For background on Branson's story click on his highlighted name or an above link. Also another great site is the Kansas City Crime Scene Blog.