From Whispers to Roars

Does a Sex Offender live near me? Is there an AMBER Alert? What do I do if someone is Missing? What are legislators doing for me and my family? Find out here! From Whispers to Roars, Be the Change you want to see in the World.

Thursday, April 05, 2007

A Worthwhile Blog

Once in a Blue Moon ya come across something actually worth reading. Well during my R&R from surgery #2 I found something Bonnie's Blog of Crime.

A Very interesting read no doubt. It covers a lot of the same issues we do so I Highly Recommend it. But I hate to add there will still be gaps in posts here. I have surgery #3 coming up and it better be the last. So untill then things will still be spuratic. Sorry BUT main forum will still be updated daily. It is located at From Whishpers To Roars. org.


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