From Whispers to Roars

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Thursday, February 16, 2006

Teresa Butler, Another Lost to Main Stream Media.

Meet Teresa Lynn Butler. She is a wife, mother and now among the missing. As with many missing persons cases you probably haven’t heard of her. Nothing new I’m afraid. As I have ranted many times before missing people, other than the elderly or young, get very little media time. Except for the few of us who dedicate websites and hours of research to all who are missing you may never hear of some of them.

Sites like From Whispers to Roars, AngelsMissing,Missing & Abducted and Crime & Justice devote themselves to bring the missing to the forefront. These are just an example, there are more out there trying to accomplish the same task. Bring the Missing of all ages home. I was going to write about Teresa Butler but her best friend started a website dedicated to her. And I could not write anything better than she already has.

From Find Teresa Butler.Com:

"Teresa Lynn Butler disappeared from her home on January 25, 2006. Along with Teresa, a video camera, play station with games, digital camera, car stereo, Teresa's purse and cell phone are missing. Her boys were found in the morning hours of January 25, home alone by their father after he came home from work. There was no forced entry but the missing items and no sightings or communication with Teresa since her disappearance make this case very suspicious. If you or anyone you know, thinks that you have seen Teresa or has information about her disappearance or the missing items, PLEASE contact the New Madrid County Sheriff's office at 573-748-2516.

Teresa has a family, children and friends that miss her terribly.

There are no apparent clues in this case. Any leads that the police have had did not pan out. This is a very bizarre case to say the least. But someone somewhere knows something. Maybe they talked to you. Maybe they talked to a friend of yours. I am begging you, PLEASE PLEASE help bring her home to her children. Contact the police today if you know anything about her whereabouts.

What's New?
Today is February 16, 2006, day 23 since Teresa has been gone. I wish there was something new to report today but there isn't. There has not been a new article printed about her since February 7, 2006. Her case is not in the national headlines and her poster is still not posted at the National Center for Missing Adults website.

When updates are added, I will post a message here."

Meet Teresa Lynn Butler. She is a wife, mother and now among the missing.

Richard "Cody" Haynes is still Missing

Richard "Cody" Haynes has been missing since September 12, 2004. There are no leads, no clues as to where this 12 year old child could be.

His story is full of mystery down to why his parents refused to help in his search. Allegations of neglect with his other siblings that caused them to be removed.

Even Texas EquuSearch has agreed to join in the search for this adorable boy next door child. Can you help?

For background on Cody click Here.

For a printable poster click Here.

Funeral Services for Sueann Ray

Friends & family of Sueann Ray will be receiving guests @ the Owens Funeral Home in Cartersville, GA on Wednesday, Feb. 22nd from 6-8 PM.
Funeral Services for Sueann Ray will be held Thursday, Feb. 23rd at 2 PM @ the First Baptist Church in Woodstock, GA
The family has asked that in lieu of flowers, to please send a donation to Sueann's daugher Charity Ray for her education fund. You may make a donation @ any Bank of America location. Simply ask for the Charity Danielle Ray Education Trust Fund.
Please continue to refer to Sueann's website for updates on this case as it now proceeds into the justice phase.
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