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Friday, January 16, 2009

Ricky Allen Robbins Spotted at IUSB Indiana

Fugitive sex offender possibly spotted at IUSB
By ERIN BLASKO, Tribune Staff Writer

Story Created: Jan 15, 2009 at 6:33 PM EST
Story Updated: Jan 15, 2009 at 11:24 PM EST

SOUTH BEND — Twice in the past two weeks, a man resembling a fugitive sex offender has been spotted at Indiana University South Bend, authorities say.

IUSB spokesman Ken Baierl said a person resembling Rickey Allen Robbins was spotted by a faculty member Jan. 2 and by an administrator Thursday. The first sighting was in the parking garage and at adjacent Wiekamp Hall, he said, and the second on the first floor of the administration building.

The employees reportedly recognized Robbins from a photo of him that has been circulating college campuses.

Robbins, 57, who has family in Union City, Ind., was released from custody in Oregon on Dec. 10 and immediately fled parole, according to a campus e-mail alert. He has been known to target college campuses, sometimes posing as a professor to enter campus buildings.

Robbins has reportedly committed burglaries and sexual offenses at college campuses across the country.

Campus police have alerted the campus community of Robbins’ possible presence, Baierl said. An e-mail alert was sent out Thursday afternoon, he said, and a message and photo were posted on the campus’ electronic bulletin board. Fliers have been posted at the entrances and exits to all campus buildings.

In addition, Baierl said, other Indiana campuses have been alerted, as well as South Bend police.

It is unknown whether Robbins has been spotted anywhere else since he fled. A call to his parole officer in Lane County in Oregon was not immediately returned Thursday evening.

Robbins is described as about 5 feet 9 inches tall, 140 pounds with brown eyes and brown and gray hair. He has scars on his abdomen, back and chest.

Authorities are asking anyone who spots him to call local police.

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post:

I just recieved this email from Indiana University South Bend regarging Ricky Allen Robbins and wanted to share it with you...

The IU South Bend Police Department has received reports of possible sightings on campus of the following individual who is a predatory sex offender.

Rickey Allen Robbins was released from custody in Oregon on December 10, 2008 after serving time for sex-related crimes. He immediately fled parole supervision.

Robbins, who has family in the Union City, Indiana, area has been responsible for burglary and sexual offenses on college campuses across the country.

Most of his crimes have been committed on college campuses.

He also has a history of posing as a college professor to gain access to campus areas.

If you see this individual you should immediately contact IU South Bend Police Department at 520-4239 or call 9-1-1.

His description and picture are below:

Age: 57

Height: 5'9"

Weight: 190

Eyes: Brown

Hair: Brown/Gray

Scars: Abdomen, Back, Chest

For more information on Robbins visit our main forum Here.

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