From Whispers to Roars

Does a Sex Offender live near me? Is there an AMBER Alert? What do I do if someone is Missing? What are legislators doing for me and my family? Find out here! From Whispers to Roars, Be the Change you want to see in the World.

Friday, February 03, 2006

Family offers $10K reward for missing Gustine man

Family offers $10K reward for missing Gustine man

Updated: February 3, 2006
GUSTINE — Searchers are still looking for a Gustine man reported missing Jan. 20. Friends, family and police said he disappeared without a trace. Ben Brunsvik, a 49-year-old software consultant, told his mother he was going to Sacramento on Jan. 19 to meet with a client, said his friend Amy Andersen. It was supposed to be a day trip, she said. "He had planned a 75th birthday party for his mother on the 20th, and he never made it," she said. He was last seen Jan. 19 in the Crows Landing area, said Marc Nuno, a Stanislaus County Sheriff's Department detective. Since then, the 6-foot 2-inch, 225-pound man with gray hair and green eyes has not been seen. Neither has his 1997 Green Ford Escort station wagon with California license plate number 4EOB746. Friends and family are offering a $10,000 reward for ..(See Rest of Article)

What is From Whispers to Roars?

From Whispers to Roars is a very unique website dedicated protecting families and bringing the missing to the forefront of people’s minds. We were established on August 27,2005. The Brainchild of two former managers of The Jessica Marie Lunsford Forum.

Our goal is to help the public arm itself with knowledge on protecting our families and future generations. Through knowing the Laws and dangers close to home. That includes Sex Offenders, Predators in our Area’s, Child ID Kits and more.

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