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Remember the movie Victor/Victoria? Well the poor workers at the Dyersburg Jail are living it. But now it is called Ericka/Edward.
Suspect in child kidnapping actually a man
DYERSBURG, Tenn. A suspect in a child kidnapping in West Tennessee turned out to be a man instead of a woman as first thought.
Edward Sadowski was arrested in Dyersburg over the weekend and was listed as Erika Sadowski at the time.
A medical inspection at the jail revealed that Erika was actually Edward.
Sadowski was charged with two counts of aggravated kidnapping after taking two girls Friday evening for whom he had been a livein babysitter.
Sadowski was arrested Saturday morning after a college student recognized the girls from an Amber Alert.
Sarah Garner, the mother of one-year-old Meagan Smith and five-year-old Breanna Garner, said the news of Sadowski's gender surprised her despite the fact that Sadowski lived with the family for five years and cared for the children.
Sadowski's bond was set at 100-thousand dollars today.
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